March 21, 2010

Internet Filterinternet filter

Danby letter #2

I wrote to Michael Danby (MHR for Melbourne Ports) to find what his views on the filter were. I did not receive a reply to ...
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Internet Filterinternet filter

Conroy letter #2

I wrote to Senator Conroy (Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy) and got a form letter reply. This basically ignored my objections and ...
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EFAOpen InternetGet Up!

Useful links about the Internet Filter

These are some useful links about the proposed Mandatory ISP Filter.
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Internet Filterinternet filter

Mandatory ISP Filtering

Many of you will of heard of the current proposal for Mandatory ISP Filtering. The stated objective is to prevent access to Refused Classification (RC) ...
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Random Thoughtsgeek

Your New Geek: Care and Feeding Guide

Congratulations on your recent acquisition of your very own Geek! You will find this newest addition to your life will provide many years of satisfying ...
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Why I won’t be developing for the iPhone/iPad

I love my iPhone. It is a brilliant piece of technology; so easy to use and the big screen with ‘soft’ keyboard is so much ...
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It’s alive!

Hooray! My new site is up. Now to add some content. Hope you enjoy it.
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