

Exchange Rate feed from RBA

I have made changes to the Exchange Rates function to include the RBA as a FrontAccounting Exchange Rate provider.
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Fiscal Years Replacement

The FrontAccounting Fiscal Years admin function needs some improvement.
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Australian Tax Invoice extension

I have created a FrontAccounting extension module to generate an Australian Tax Invoice.
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Load denied by X-Frame-Options

Apache2 requires some additional configuration to work with HTTPS and FrontAccounting.
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FrontAccountingQuickBooks to FrontAccountingFrontAccounting

QuickBooks to FrontAccounting – Conclusion

FrontAccounting is great; getting the data out of QuickBooks, not so much.
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QuickBooks to FrontAccountingFrontAccountingFrontAccounting

QuickBooks to FrontAccounting – Installation

FrontAccounting is easily installed into an Apache web server with PHP and MySQL, on either Linux or Windows.
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FrontAccountingQuickBooksQuickBooks to FrontAccounting

QuickBooks to FrontAccounting – Introduction

After many years of using QuickBooks, I am moving to FrontAccounting.
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