Doctor Who – The Eleventh Hour

The new series of Doctor Who, staring Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor, will be commencing on April 18.

The Eleventh Hour

The new regenerated Doctor has twenty minutes to save the world – and only Amy Pond can help him.


In a first for the ABC, the new series of Doctor Who is launching on iView two days prior to its broadcast on ABC1. Catch it from midnight on the 16th of April.

This will only be a couple of weeks after the premiere on BBC One on April 3.


I watched the new episode on iView this morning (did not want to stay up until midnight, so watched it at 6:30am over breakfast). Matt Smith seems to have the feel for the part, but it will be interesting to see how this ‘new’ Doctor evolves. Some of the reviews from the UK were saying that he could be the best Doctor ever – a bit early to make that call as there are some pretty big performances before his – only time will tell.

I thought it was only an OK story, more setting up the new characters than anything else. The aliens were a bit weak and there was a general lack of tension (especially compared to “Blink” or “The Empty Child” ). Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) appears to be a powerful, no nonsense character (similar to Martha Jones or Leela) who should be more than a match for The Doctor. The new TARDIS is all bright and shiny – I am sure it won’t be for long.


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