Extra for Elements – Introduction

Welcome to my package of add-ons for Photoshop Elements.


This package has ceased development. See Elements XXL instead.


This tool requires Windows 98SE – Windows 7, Mac OS X, PSE1 – PSE8.

Photoshop Elements is missing several key functions that are in the full version of Photoshop, such as being able to create layer masks, edit selections in Quick Mask mode, curves adjustments, Actions and Channels. After some investigation and experimentation, I found that there was a lot of additional functionality in Elements that was not widely known and that it could be easily accessed.

Later versions of Photoshop Elements, while having several improvements over the original version of Elements, are still missing many of these key functions.

This is very much a personal effort for my own use which I am now sharing so that other people may also benefit. Please feel free to pass this package on to anyone that may find it of interest. I will update the download file on my web page as I add to the package.

While this package has been developed using Windows XP, it has been tested with Windows 7, Vista, Windows ME, Windows 98SE and Mac OS X. All versions of Elements are supported (that is PSE1 though PSE8). Supported language versions are English, French, German and Swedish (though all messages are in English).

Please take the time to read the instructions. I know that nobody reads instructions (and I have been guilty of this myself) but most reported problems have been due to not following the instructions and the answer is usually contained there.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me.

Some of the features are:

Use Red, Green or Blue Channels
Add Layer Masks
Quick Mask Mode (not in PSE4-8)
Channel Mixer Adjustment Layers (not in PSE4-8)
Curves Adjustment Layers (not in PSE4-8)
Additional Recipes (PSE1 only)
Save Selections (PSE1 only)

The Channel Mixer plugin filters are unfortunately for Windows only so I have moved them to a separate package.




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